

Sep 7, 2011

Getting Ready...

After joining the gym yesterday and signing up for the Fenix 12 week Transformation Challenge, the next step was being assigned a trainer and getting an appointment set up.

My new trainer called me today and we have set up an appointment for Friday.  There we are going to do my before photos, measurements, my diet, get my diary, get my challenge tshirt and do my workout program.  I can't wait.  I am actually really getting quite excited about this.  I know it's going to be hard work, but i am actually quite driven to win that $5000.  If I don't win I won't be disappointed as I will have the new me, a fitter, healthier, happier me and that is prize enough, but really, $5000 wouldn't go astray.  I will need that money to buy myself a new wardrobe as none of my current clothes will fit me!

I will update you all on Friday after my meeting at the gym with my trainer.  I will reveal my measurements (yes I will be embarrassed and mortified to reveal those, but the upside is that I will get to reveal my amazing measurements in 12 weeks at the end of the challenge).


  1. Good work! I'm always scard of the numbers, but yes you will feel awesome to reveal the change!!!

  2. Best of luck creating the self you long to be. Cheers!!!

  3. Congratulations!!! I really, really mean it. I am sitting here blogging, working - I meant to get up and go for a walk earlier. And didn't. SO now in honour of your commitment I am getting up and moving out the door with my sneakers on! Thank you.x

  4. Thank you all for comments.

    Phonakins, it will feel awesome to reveal the change :)

    Chaton I will pop over and visit your blog. Thanks for following my journey :)

    TheUrbanMum, I am so glad that that my post got you out the door. It's so hard sometimes isn't it to pop those sneakers on, I certainly know how that is!

    Monnie x


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